Lanee' May Visits Second Cycle Material Handling Class with Arkansas Steel Processing

Ms. Lanee’ May visited the second cycle Material Handling class on Wednesday, May 25. Lanee’ was a former student in the first cycle Material Handling class. She finished the program on May 5. Lanee’ was an outstanding student in this class. As Material Handler Instructor—Jim Shephard, would say, “Lanee’ was a dedicated, hard worker inside and outside of the classroom.” Mr. Shephard was very impressed with Lanee’s efforts in the classroom and her ability to make it to class on time, or early, every morning. This was due to the fact that Lanee’ would work night shift at her previous employer and come from work straight to an eight hour class, four days a week and she never missed a beat! 

Lanee’ did not just visit the class as a former “Material Handling student,” but rather, a newly employed employee with Arkansas Steel Processing, (ASP). Lanee’ was offered a position with ASP, in Osceola, AR just two weeks after she completed the Material Handling training. She is now in a Material Assignment position with ASP. Lanee’ was able to meet ASP employers when they visited her class in April. 

Lanee’ visited the class with two ASP employees, Amy - Human Resources and Morgan - Administrative Assistant. Lanee’ discussed with the class about the importance of never giving up and giving it your best shot. Her talk with the class was very inspiring. She also discussed her career with ASP and her upcoming training to prepare her for her new role. 

What Lanee’ liked most about the Material Handling class was the hands-on training, being able to actually operate equipment, and the instructor being very kind and patient.  Lanee’ said, “I believe this class has had a major impact on my career path because I was surrounded by wonderful people that believed in me and encouraged me. It allowed me to network with others I may not have ever got the chance to network with. I would recommend this class to any and every one.” She said, “The most important lesson taken away from this course is to take pride in everything you do. You never know, the sacrifices you make today will have you in a position you never thought of tomorrow.”

Congratulations to you, Lanee’ on a job well done and on your career with ASP! We wish you much success in your future endeavors.
From left to right: Lanee', Amy, Morgan


Blog by Courtney Cooper, Coordinator of Placement Services
