On June 20th, 2016, Gene Bennett and Sherri Bennett presented to the Greater Blytheville Area Chamber of Commerce on the Work Ready Initiative Act. Mississippi County is now participating in the ACT Work
Ready Communities initiative. It is a partnership with East Arkansas Planning
& Development District (EAPDD) and Delta Regional Authority (DRA).
Businesses can use the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) as a
recognized and preferred tool to assist in the recruiting and hiring of skilled
workers. We want your business to recognize the National Career Readiness
Certificate in order for our county to become a Certified Work Ready Community.

What is the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)?
The NCRC is a nationwide credential for work readiness created by ACT to assess
work skill levels. The categories of this assessment include reading for
information, locating information, and applied math skills.
Check out this link to view an update on how Mississippi County is progressing in this initiative.
Our goal is by December 2016, as a county, we need to have 61 employers signed up to recognize the NCRC credential as a hiring tool. So far we have 22 representatives. Please forward this information on to eager employers looking to increase productivity and decrease turnover by using this as a screening credential for new applicants.
Current participants:
Blog by: Stacey Walker
Coordinator, Industrial Training
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