The Business Recruitment and Expansion Committee (Tamika Jenkins, Randy Brinkley, and Courtney Cooper) is continuing to make company visits every 2-3 weeks. Our main goal of these visits is to let these companies know that there are resources available to help in any way possible. Our mixture of the county, college, and state allows us to team up and provide the best solutions to any issues.
KinderMorgan |
On August 8th, the committee traveled to Primetals, which is right at The Solutions Group's back door! This was a quick industry visit to discuss entry level skill requirements for workers, what training gaps are currently present in their workforce, any underlying issues that the county may be able to help with, and also just to get in front of some familiar and new faces to let them know that Arkansas Northeastern College is here to help in any way possible.
Primetals has completed several training courses with The Solutions Group over the past year. We have done and OSHA 10 course, first aid cpr courses, RCRA Hazardous Material transport course, and currently in discussion about continuing First Aid CPR Training and Blueprint Reading.
Josh Callis, Operations Manager at Primetals, has been a great contact and we appreciate the time they took to meet with us.
Our next visit was on August 11th, with Lexicon Management Group (Scheuck Steel and Prospect Steel). Danna Gauntt, Human Resource Director agreed to meet with us and have a round table discussion about their facility and what we can do to help. 
Lexicon is looking for welders and we know just the place that can train welders! This is where we migrate into the conversation of our new position, Job Placement Coordinator. We are developing a strong relationship with these companies to send us their job descriptions and let us post their jobs and recruit from our graduates. So far this is working out great!Refer our students to the area jobs page!
Our next stop was KinderMorgan. The committee met with Stan Miller, a long time county resident. Below are several pictures from a tour that Mr. Miller personally took us on. Mr. Miller showed us start to finish how they unload the barges to where they put the scrap and organize it into piles based on the type of material.
Tamika Jenkins & Stan Miller KinderMorgan |
Stacey Walker, Tamika Jenkins, Courtney Cooper |
One question that the committee asks
every what are some of the major issues that
prohibit productivity in the workplace. We've had really good responses
to that question...
- Finding the right people to do the right jobs
- Absenteeism/tardiness
- Employee retention
- Finding employees who want to work
- Stable work history
- Can follow procedures
- Reading for information/locating information/applied math (sounds a lot like a National Career Readiness Certificate!)
Generally when we go and visit we find a common theme that every company
talks about... this time, it was applied math and measurements. These
companies main entry level skill requirement is to use a tape measure. If you're looking for a job...brush up on your measuring skills &
ANC can help with that!
Following up our visit with a few key points of great opportunities for employers.
- ACT Work Ready Initiative and the National Career Readiness Certificate
- Job Placement Coordinator, new position with The Solutions Group
- Customized training
- New Grant assistance from the state regarding training
- W.O.R.K. Program & gathering input on new courses
- County grant assistance
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