The Solutions Group had a wonderful opportunity to provide training to the Osceola/South Mississippi County Chamber of Commerce's 2016-2017 Leadership Academy. The purpose of the Leadership Academy is to seek, identify, educate, and motivate potential leaders to become involved in the future of their community. The participants went through a variety of training some of which provided by The Solutions Group.
Jamie Frakes, long term adjunct instructor for The Solutions Group, provided several training sessions in the following areas:
Spectrum Development -is a model for understanding yourself and others based on your personality temperament. Identifying your personality and the personalities of others using Spectrum provides you with insights into different motivations, actions and communication approaches. Being able to recognize your Spectrum and the Spectrum of others improves the overall effectiveness and efficiency of your team by revealing the motivation behind behaviors and directing the focus and energy of team members on your mission instead of organizational conflicts, territorialism or personality conflicts.
Conflict Management - Negotiation and conflict resolution for daily and life working with people. This session taught participants how to manage emotions during a conflict while working collaboratively toward a win/win resolution. Group activities and role playing scenarios such as "Taxi Cab" helped the participants learn how to give feedback without emotions.

Dr. Shemwell, President of Arkansas Northeastern College, addressed the art of
Public Speaking. This session allowed the participants to prepare for presenting orally a Business Research Report, where they researched local businesses, a sector of business, and present a short informative speech covering information. The speeches were delivered in the following session. Dr. Shemwell also presented information on
Decision Making utilizing the Six Thinking Hats method.

Keith Gammill is a consultant for The Solutions Group, Keith spoke on SWOT Analysis and the 3 P's of Planning. This training allowed the group to determine their personal Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats as well as a group project of forming a company, products, and a plan how how to lead this company to be profitable. Keith is a long term consultant for TSG that specializes in Quality/Lean Manufacturing and Soft Skills.
Ed Mata, adjunct instructor for The Solutions Group, provided training in Principles of Leadership. Mr. Mata closed the series of training by tying in everything learned into a final package for the group. The principles of leadership segment provided an insight to the fundamental concepts of the leader's role, leadership qualities, and types of leadership styles. The emphasis area in this training was communication and teamwork in the workplace.
We appreciate Ammi Tucker and the Osceola/South Mississippi County Chamber of Commerce for allowing the instructors at The Solutions Group to teach these great leaders!
More photos can be found on the Osceola/SMC Chamber Facebook Page.
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