ANC Solutions Group Releases it's first two Six Sigma Certifications - BlueOak

Ryan Niedzwiadek & Thomas Gilbert

Arkansas Northeastern College - The Solutions Group, recently certified Ryan Niedzwiadek and Thomas Gilbert of BlueOak Arkansas in Osceola as Six Sigma Greenbelts. BlueOak Arkansas is the nation's first urban mining facility and provides a vital domestic solution for electronic waste ("e-waste") recycling. To earn certification, Ryan and Tom completed 80 hours of specialized training and had to complete a project that demonstrated knowledge of the skills they learned in the course. Their optimization of the sampling process will save the company over $700,000 annually when BlueOak ramps up to full production. Arkansas Northeastern's challenging Six Sigma program, instructed by Scott Follett, saved participating companies $5.7 million in 2016. For more information, on Six Sigma and other instruction offered by ANC, contact Stacey at 870-838-2966.

Thomas, Scott, & Ryan

Blog by: Stacey Walker Coordinator, Industrial Training
Scott Follett, Mechanical Instructor
