Allied Techologies - TSG Instrucors have real world experience!

Not just academic instructors, our Allied Technologies staff have real world experience. Scott Follett (Mechanical Instructor) worked closely with Allen Engineering’s Nick Quintana to design and build a dynamometer to test the company’s various riding trowel models. The photos only show the top of the dyno because the system underneath is proprietary. 

The stand incorporates several innovative features such as the interface between the machine and dyno, the hydraulic loading system, data acquisition system, and the flexibility to test machines up to 12 feet with horsepower exceeding what you would expect from cars.

This is a first for the industry. With the dyno, Allen has the ability to simulate actual field data and run tests for hours and even days as opposed to traditional dynos that only test a few seconds. Allen uses the dyno to optimize designs, improve production techniques, digitally save test results for every machine, set hydraulic flows and pressures, and perform failure analysis. The dyno gives Allen a huge advantage in the riding trowel industry.

We take this real world experience that these instructors have and incorporate it into our courses.  The Solutions Group - Allied Technologies division of Arkansas Northeastern College instructors all come from industry related fields.


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