We began with 20 enrollees in this section which resulted in
12 graduates from the program. The participants were focused and attentive to
all aspects of the program. It is important to have an inclusive class willing
to ask questions and learn more about what is needed to become successful in
not only the workforce but also in life. The program is fortunate to have
representatives from the industrial sector available to teach and even hold
mock interviews with the participants. This allows for the Human Resource
Manager’s assessment of each student and provides individual feedback for
Joe Crews, Human Resource Manager, at IPSCO was highly
impressed with the level of preparation that these individuals gained from the Mock
interviews. This simulation gives students a real life assessment from an
outside source. Additionally, it
provides WORK Program staff the opportunity to tailor the program specifically
toward industry needs. Over the course of its existence, the program has added
teamwork skills as well as communication skills into its curriculum. With the
interaction provided through the WORK Program, most of the students develop new
friendships and establish a network of individuals which stand as a source of
support and encouragement for future success.
Following are excerpts from completers of the WORK Program:
WORK Program. It was what I needed. I am empowered immensely. Because
of this I have new perspectives and challenges in all areas of my life going
forward. It is a great re-launch for ascending continually.
with Doug Echols, Courtney Copper and crew have helped me a great
deal with my mission to be great. I'm not quite sure you realize the
effect that this program has had on those who have TAKEN the opportunity
to attend, specifically, me. I capitalized the word “taken” for the reason of
stating that I know, first hand, the positive impact that the program has had
on both me and my fellow classmates. I completed the course with 12 other
motivated adults from different backgrounds with different stories but all had
the same goal, self-improvement. The fact that I was able to enhance my
skill set from various instructors teaching us financial
awareness, to even boning up on my typing, I can truly say
that I am better having taken the class. It showed me that no matter your
circumstance, condition or age, self-improvement and positive change
doesn't have to stop.
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