Basic Hydraulics Training - Big River Steel

Rob Semmel, Metallurgical Engineer with The Solutions Group, customized a basic hydraulics training for a group of employees from Big River Steel. Arkansas Northeastern College, The Solutions Group, has a strong partnership with Big River Steel. The 16-hour hydraulic training occurred at the ANC Crisp Center on March 17th & 24th  then replicated that training to another group on  June 8th & 9th.
Topics included:

  • ·         Fluid Power Principles
  • ·         Mechanical & Electrical principles
  • ·         Examples of Water pressure
  • ·         Advantages of water pressure
  • ·         Compressibility of fluids
  • ·         Fluid Power cylinders
  • ·         Directional Valves
  • ·         Air and Hydraulic pumps

Rob met with Big River Steel’s Melt Shop Mechanical Lead and team leader to develop the customized curriculum needed to effectively teach the group. 

Participant evaluations stated that the hands-on experiences that they received in the lab added value to the training. One comment stated that there was not enough hours in the day to cover all the material necessary. Overall great training. Thank you Big River Steel for allowing The Solutions Group to meet your needs.
