Updating Standards! Viskase ISO training

Internal Quality Auditor Training 9001:2015 & IS0 22000 – Viskase

ANC is experiencing an increased demand for ISO training. Organization using ISO should consider this training for employees. Viskase teamed with ANC to train internal auditors from both Viskase’s Osceola and Loudon, Tennessee facilities. ANC's training to Viskase also included the food safety standard, ISO 22000.

Scott Follett from The Solutions Group is a former ASQ Certified Quality Manager, Certified Quality Engineer, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Examiner, and Arkansas Quality Award Judge and Examiner.  He trained 13 employees of Viskase as ISO Internal Quality Auditors to the new standards and then facilitated an actual Internal Audit by the group. Training occurred June 20-21, 2017 at the Viskase facility in Osceola, Arkansas.  
Topics for this customized ISO training included:
·         The History of Quality
·         Audits
o    Types
o    Why?
o    Who?
o    How?
·         Review of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard 
·         Exercise: Is it a Requirement? (Get familiar with the standard)
·         Requirements of ISO 9001:2015
·         The Process Model/Process Approach
·         Exercise: Find the Requirement (Tests comprehension)
·         Steps of an ISO 9001 Internal Audit.
·         Conduct an actual internal audit facilitated by Scott that meets the organization’s ISO requirement for self-auditing. During the session, participants
·         Scheduled the Audit
·         Planned the Audit
·         Conducted an Opening Meeting
·         Audited the Organization to the Standard
·         Documented their Findings
·         Reported the Audit Results
·         Conducted a Closing Meeting


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  2. Thanks! I'll take a look at the videos and incorporate them into my training!

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