New classes for Big River Steel - Mechanical Measurements & Basic Hydraulics

The Solutions Group industrial technologies instructor, Rob Semmel, customized and delivered a basic hydraulics and mechanical measurements training for a group operators from Big River Steel. There were two sections of basic hydraulics (16 hours for each section), and two sections of mechanical measurements (8 hours). This training occurred at the ANC Center for Allied Technologies on April 10th, May 2nd, 9th, 10th, 13th, 20th.

Hydraulic course included:
•    Fluid Power Principles
•    Mechanical & Electrical principles
•    Examples of Water pressure
•    Advantages of water pressure
•    Compressibility of fluids
•    Fluid Power cylinders
•    Directional Valves
•    Air and Hydraulic pumps

Mechanical Measurements included:
  • Calipers
  • Dial Indicators
  • Measurements & reading accuracy
Great River Economic Development Foundation and Office of Skills Development grants were approved to reduce the cost of this training. 
